• Sadomasochism & Mental Health: Self-Expression

    “When I was diagnosed, and realizing how it affected me outside of the way that I eat, it’s these processes throughout my day or the way that my personality functions. It isn’t that disruptive, but having the framework helped. Finding kink, having the words for it, helped contextualize the sex that I like to have, the friendships that I like to have, the dynamics that I like to have and the relationships in general.”

  • Sadomasochism & Mental Health: Boundaries

    Kink is something that I can contextualize my life around, around eroticism generally, and that felt so at home in my brain. That I can have a container for a thing, that it is healthy to have a container for things.

  • Sadomasochism & Mental Health: Fetish

    I don’t really have a lot left from childhood, and after a while, I became very into certain tangible objects. The idea that you could fetishize a material object instantly made sense to me.

  • View From The Top: Playing Through Depression

    It’s almost impossible to master while grieving. When that grief turns into a depression, is it even M/s anymore?

  • Bottoms Up: Did My Feminist Ancestors Burn Their Bras For This?

    I’ve worked hard to hold onto my independence, and here I was giving it up — to someone more dominant and more masculine. My feminist ancestors didn’t burn their bras for this. Except what if they did?