• 11 Books for Getting Started with Polyamory and Non-Monogamy

    Search polyamory and you’ll see the term partnered with words like “sexual revolution” and “on the rise” in several news pieces on the subject. Surely, there’s more to non-monogamy than sex, or the rebellion of joining a fad? What could it take to make being open/ polyamorous/ non-monogamous work? Eleven books and the internet’s idea of a “sexual revolution” bookshelf later, I present to you a list of some major titles relevant to queer women.

  • Juno Roche’s Queer Sex Is an Argument for Erotic Empowerment

    Queer Sex, a collection of interviews with trans and non-binary folks on sex, love and intimacy, is a map to erotic empowerment. In this excerpt, author Juno Roche explores her fears, hopes and erotic potential.