• Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for February 2018

    If you’re caught in a bad pattern, or can’t shake heartbreak or anxiety, ask yourself: what else might be true right now that I can’t see?

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for December 2016

    “What a strange way to end the year. How strange to talk of personal love, right now, as though we can separate it out from love for everyone who is suffering and endangered. But queer love can and must encompass that—what are we here for if not to create new ways of loving, new communities of care, and a world with less repression and hatred?”

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for September 2016

    This is a great time to release those old, dead stories about needing to be perfect to deserve being loved. This is a perfect time to remember that you get to make new choices about the present moment, free of attachment to the past or fear of the future.