• Religious Right & Ex-Gay Movement Inspired By Hate Crimes Bill to Lie More, Be Hateful

    The ex-gay movement and Pat Robertson’s religious righteousness army want you to think they’re going to be persecuted under the Hate Crimes Law (but they’re not). THAT’S GAY does ex-gays, Wanda Sykes gives her Obama eval and Argentina considers gay marriage.

  • Like Food, It Gives You This Energy You Can Like, Live Off It

    Read about Erin’s travels in Girl-on-Greece: The Incredibly True Adventures of a Gay History Nerd in Love with Mount Olympus. Girl-on-World is written by hot young women just like you! If you’ve got a story you’d like to share, email green[at]autostraddle[dot]com. So remember when we talked with Sweet, Sweet Charlene from LOGO’s Gimme Sugar? And […]