• Into the A+ Advice Box #12: Bisexual Marriage Blues, Sexting as a Bottom, and More!

    Why does gay male sex turn you on if you’re a lesbian and is it okay? Plus, conflicting ideas about isolating & dating during quarantine, cheering up your partner over long distance, parents and mental health and Covid-19, SO MANY mixed signals from your ex wife who’s in another relationship and…should you fuck your boss?!?!?! Things are a mess out there, but at least we have each other and 26 questions from readers like you!

  • Into the A+ Advice Box: Quarantine Special Edition

    Help! Your girlfriend is quarantined three hours away, your roommate’s partner moved into the apartment during the shut down without your consent, dying your hair before that next work Zoom call, handling an overwhelming group chat, and what to do when you are so alone!