Dohyun Ahn

The Basics


Dohyun Ahn


Atlanta, GA

About Me

About Me

I like strawberries and rolling down hills.
I love my friends
Oh, I’m also a Psych/Sexualities, Gender, and Women Studies major at Emory U.

Check All That Apply

Gay, Queer, Genderqueer


Non-religious, spiritual/Zen




Looking For

Queer Friends in my Area, Queer Friends on the Internet


Infinite love


Pride (The bad kind)

Are You Out To Your....

Close Friends, All Friends, School/Work, Everybody

What I Like

Favorite Books

13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear
Rumo and His Miraculous Adventures
The City of Dreaming Books
The Alchemaster’s Apprentice
The Waves
House of Leaves

Favorite Queer Books

Angels in America

Favorite Movies

Whatever I’m watching at the time
Brokeback Mountain
127 Hours
James Franco (I know he isn’t a movie, but still)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Cinema Paradiso
The Social Network
The Kids are All Right
And countless others

Favorite TV Shows

Adventure Time

Favorite Sandwich

Whatever my lesbian wife will make me aka nothing :(

Favorite Quotes

“Death was never the catalyst. Love is the catalyst” – Guang Li
To Dwell in the Past is to Die in the Present
Haters Gonna Hate.
“The people we love are never just as we desire them.” – Anne Carson
“We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us. We cannot easily discover our real character from a friend. He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clearness of the reflection.” – Jean Paul Richter

Favorite Thing on

Glee Recap
All the trans* stuff (I know that’s really general, but there’s just not that much casual things written about trans* people)

Favorite Writers

Walter Moers
Allen Ginsberg
Viginia Woolf