Hellooooo friends, and welcome to Dinah Shore 2011! Your intrepid Autostraddle editors will be scampering about Palm Springs like the cute little Chuck-Taylor-wearing sunburnt drunk internet kittens we are, and we have left an equally intrepid and adorable team of interns to communicate all of our adventures to you in the meantime. We’ll be hitting all the events, shows and parties of Girl Bar’s Dinah Shore Weekend 2011, and we want you to be there with us in spirit! Here’s a map of Dinah AutoHQ, courtesy of Design Director Alex Vega:
And check out our schedule of all the Dinah action happening this weekend! We’ll be at Girl Bar events Thursday through Sunday, and you might think you’re ready but you’re not ready. But we’re doing this anyway! Here we go!
Friday April 1, 2011
9:30 am: It’s supposed to be 90 degrees in Palm Springs today. And right now it’s 89 and only 9:30, I hope everyone has brought their sunscreen.9:42 am: Jess, via gchat: yesterday was stressful getting into the rooms … but today should be good. we’re all still in bed
9:48 am: I suspect everything will be boring for a while while the team recuperates from last night. Now, for the liveblog of Emily Choo’s life? Just finished eating breakfast, now watching an old episode of Glee. Yeah, I said it, I’m a Gleek.
10:14 am: from Rachel, via email: We have all just woken up, bright and chipper like happy children! Just kidding we all feel like caveman zombies. Hope the entire internet wanted to know that.
10:16 am: The team has bagels but no toaster. Or cream cheese. What will they do, toast it with a lighter or call room service? Adventures abound at Dinah Shore!
10:32 am: Rachel, via email: also Laneia really wants everyone to know that her foot isn’t broken yet
10:40 am: Oh thank God. The mystery of “lighter or room service?” is over. Also I am sending happy period vibes over to Riese, which is probably not as good as midol.
10:50 am: I think that we need context for this. Laneia, via twitter:10:56 am: OK, apparently they have ordered a pot of coffee but it has not arrived yet, Laneia is not actually going to die. As long as it comes soon.
11:06 am: THE COFFEE HAS ARRIVED.This is Rachel’s latte. It is already gone.
11:09 am: Rachel, via email: It turns out that room service means getting THE TINIEST BOTTLE OF HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD. Also the picture I sent you earlier was of my latte. Obvs it’s gone now. Riese still doesn’t have any midol.
11:18 am: Rachel via twitter:
11:40 am: Sarah, via email: This is what we’re doing instead of going to the pool party.‘Cause, like, whatever, there are naked ladies and boobies outside, but do you know where else those things are? On Tumblr.
11:45: Oh, wait (Laneia via twitter):Personally it is my mandate to support all clothing removal anywhere ever. Especially before noon.
11:55 am: Team Autostraddle makes a solid effort to begin the day. Laneia’s shirt remains on.
Rachel: does anyone have a product that will make my hair look better than it does right now. like a shower in a bottle?
Laneia: We should do yoga
Riese: I want to spend the rest of the trip in child’s pose
Sarah: I’ve never done yoga.
Laneia: You should.
Sarah: But i’m not a hippie like you guys
Laneia: Who’s red team?
Sarah: What do the colors symbolize?
See? She is:
Despite coffee, breakfast amenities, and awaiting ladies, the chances of Laneia and Sarah getting out of bed today are decreasing steadily.
Rachel reports more accurate numbers: 75% have showered or are showering, and I am only about 15-20% hungover.
1:20 pm: Rachel via email: so riese and laneia are asleep again somehow i think, and also the circles under my eyes are so dark that i do not think they will ever go away ever or be covered by any makeup so i am just going to wear my sunglasses at all times including inside and when i am asleep. the good news is the hair product laneia gave me seems really good, when is someone going to start offering us endorsements1:33 pm: Look how much whiskey is still left after last night!
1:44 pm: Jess via email: we finally left the safety of our room and ventured into lesbianland by the pool
And they have hot Autostraddle shirts, look:
Which unfortunately they are also still wearing:
Also here is Rachel and Sarah F*cking Palmface with THE SHIRT:
1:54 pm: Rachel via email: At the autostraddle lounge at the girl bar pool party!2:00 pm: Laneia via twitter:
Also there is a dude in a thong, possibly he is unaware he is in public, possibly he is just trying to incarnate ‘you do you’:
2:14 pm: Rachel via email: Jess is going to get an exclusive interview with the banana hammock guy for autostraddle dot com
2:17 pm: Laneia via email: bringing pre-cut mango was THE BEST IDEA I’VE EVER HAD
2:21 pm: Riese via email: i am going to make cargo shorts happen
2:23 pm: Rachel via email: apparently there is some lounging that is going on
And Haviland was just quoted: “does anyone know where my top is?
2:29 pm: Rachel via email: I think sunscreen + you do you really says it all
3:05 pm: Rachel, via email, is within four feet of…
3:17 pm: Rachel via email: VEGA IS IN THE POOLand it is very Ushery down there:
These two miracles caused LANEIA AND RIESE TO WAKE UP
And last but not least, Alex really liked how this girl looked in THE SHIRT too.
3:23 pm: Rachel via email: Haviland is the best at selling calendars
3:27 pm: Riese: Tequila sounds like a bad idea, and I’m the market for a bad idea.
3:48 pm: Rachel finds Julie Goldman: “the butchiest butch that ever butched”
4:04 pm: Rachel via email: Alex, Jessica, brandy and JulieAlex also emails to let us know they’re chillin’ at the pool / Auto table:
4:22 pm: Alex is justcaughtnapping dot tumblr dot com
4:28 pm: Jessica interviews Banana Hammock man
So I got an exclusive interview with Thomas the Banana Hammock Guy! First Linda Perry, now this guy… it’s been quite an exciting week kids!
SO. Thomas the Banana Hammock Guy is a straight dude who simply lovesbeing surrounded by lesbians and comes to Dinah Shore every year –this is his third. He comes alone and stays the whole weekend, creeping out 10,000 lesbians each year with his thong and huge boner right there in front of God and everybody.
Rachel: no but we have xanax which is basically the same thing
It was resolved around 6:19 pm: Rachel via email: Showers have been taken and whiskey has been drunk and tampons have been distributed, now we are going to dinner before the cocktail and then pure white party.
7:26 pm: DINNER HAPPENS.And with dinner comes the 8:11 pm tweet from Rachel:
8:40 pm: Only now Rachel’s computer won’t connect to the internet and she might be too panicky about this to go to the girl bar white party. This is not good, you guys, the internet is important.
8:44 pm: Sarah F*cking Palmface via email: and this is Rachel’s ass
9:20 pm: Rachel, via email: Getting ready for the cocktail party, and also how did I not notice how vaginal this painting was before this
Also Taylor’s twitter thoughts from earlier today are important, both for the evening, and for life:
9:42 pm: Carolyn: I haven’t heard from anyone in a few minutes because they are probably still getting ready but I am channeling Emily Choo and eating a bowl of cereal that I am debating liveblogging (sample transcript: 9:40 pm: poured soy milk. 9:45 pm: remembered about soy milk intolerance. 9:46 pm: remembered about soy milk deliciousness. 9:52 pm: sneezing.).
11:03 pm:
If you are at Dinah Shore or just following along with intense fascination, the following events are going on right now:
Girl Bar’s Pure White Party in the basement of Zoso with a performance by Wynter Gordon
The White Diamonds Party at the Riviera Resort and Spa.
And they probably look like this:
Also the Girl Bar White Party is in a basement, so there will be no cell access, which concludes our liveblogging for this evening. If this makes you sad, here is a video of Julie Goldman as Lezilla at yesterday’s Funny Girlz 6 Comedy Show:
Stay tuned for exciting debauchery-based updates tomorrow!!
Holland fuck yeah
Did you know our prime minister might be gay? totally not related but whatever..
Have fun in the sunshine autostraddle!
Just between me and you guys…. I’ve been to Dinah Shore and I’ve been to Holland and I would take a cold trip to Amsterdam over a desert pool party in the old folks town of Palm Springs any day. Not to say all you Dinah ladies won’t have an absolute blast. I’m just sayin. :)
Dear Robin,
I have a spare bedroom, a spare bike, and people tell me I make mean sandwiches..
Sincerely, just sayin ;)
That’s because Amsterdam is simply very awesome,
just illustratin :)
theflyingdutchwoman’s photo of pride party on the canal = AWESOME! just illustratin’ indeed
WAIT where were all of you when i was in amsterdam last semester
Reading autostraddle, duh
Is it weird that I was actually wondering about her foot yesterday?
i’m sitting in my cubicle. i have 1.5 hours more to go before i get to leave and by some 90 degree appropriate clothing (i just got paid today and i like to procrastinate) before i leave this afternoon to the desert
Moar Glee plz.
It’s 5 degrees in Thunder Bay (aka 40 degrees Fahrenheit) and I consider it to be gloriously warm for this time of year. Also just converted 90F to Celsius and as a result am reconsidering my pledge to attend Dinah Shore next year.
Hey – so I know we’ve only been together for…3 years…but I was wondering if you’d come to Dinah Shore with me in a 15-passenger van next year. Also, it’s only a 35 hour drive. We can listen to T&S, Indigo Girls, Ricky Martin and if I’m lucky, Harry Potter audiobooks. You bring the snacks.
I’m still waiting for a picture to accompany the 11:59 am update.
I’m with you here, Brianna.
same here
That would not do anything to curb the ridiculous crush I’ve developed.
god i want to be on vacation
why does no one want to talk with me about how tiny that bottle of hot sauce is
haha i love those things…they come in MRE’s all the time. i think it’s to help them taste better, but there really isn’t much hope. they also make tiny bottles of the green kind of tabasco sauce…
The green kind of tabasco sauce is one on the best inventions ever. I put it on everything….well, not everything, but close to it.
It looks like tabasco.Which is usually very spicy.So you will most likely be satisfied with the small amount.
We’d rather talk about your short shorts ;-)
specifically, about your apparently cute ass.
Rachel, Rachel, about finding a shower in a bottle… have you ever heard of Suave’s dry shampoo? I don’t use it (because I prefer to spend days I don’t wash my hair looking like I haven’t washed my hair) but my (dirty) roommates swear by the stuff!
cholula trumps tabasco anyday but the tiny bottle is cute
pics, or it didn’t happen. BUT PICS PLEASE. (hai rachel)
can you only get one of those autostaddle shirts at the dinah? sob…
no we’re gonna sell ’em on the internet too when we get back, so get your trigger finger ready to order that shit
LOL at you guys in bed with laptops.
It’s like laptops are basically natural extensions of your arms by now.
(also Riese without make-up = much better)
guys you can not take pictures of guys in thongs, that’s not why we’re here..
so true. screwed up demographics.
you can see the reflection of his thong “covered” ass on the glass partition behind him, it’s hovering over that ladies head like an evil, slutty poltergeist.
please tell me there are hot thong clad ladies there to make up for that hilarious monstrosity!
Oh my gosh, I missed that the first time I looked at the pic….lol
It’s 100 degrees outside palm springs sounds really nice right now
did I say that you guys are soooooooooo cute and adorable in the pics x100…
the laptop in bed cracked me up also, glad I am not the only one who does that…..
guy in thong…ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…..
my girlfriend and I went to in ‘n out burger for lunch and ate our burgers outside while reading your blog on my laptop….made for a very enjoyable lunch…..bay area is 80+ so tanktop and shorts weather also….
luv you guys!!!!!!!
Wait a second, you mean whiskey doesn’t come from the faucet? Whiskey kitten is a lie.
which one of you looks just like April from Parks & Rec?
Laneia ♥
It’s April Fools’ Day, if I was at Dinah Shore right now I’d totally like fake my death in the pool or something.
I’m glad that guy got kicked out ’cause seriously, what the fuck?
Yeah, I would think the organizers would be fairly invested in having a safe, comfortable space. Honestly, I’d probably get kicked out for starting a fight with him haha… I don’t put up with that shit!
puree his banana with a blender…
Anyone want some flaming banana(s) foster? Cause I’d be happy to serve.
I really like how that girl looks in THE SHIRT, too!
uhm what does it mean to be a sponsor? (i’m talking about the name tag/landyard situation )
Thanks to this article, it’s now confirmed that there is a variation of Straight Banana Hammock Man at every lesbian event. Why, God?
“Banana Hammock Man”…I find that name both funny and very very creepy at the same time :)
You guys. Save me. I’m in the house of drama with 17 girls. I only know 2 of them. So far the majority are awful. Halp halp
All your hair looks really nice and I’m not just saying that because it’s a thing to say.
Guys, I just saw nicole pacent just now…wearing no pants. There are pictures.
I know this is wildly inappropriate, but is anybody else curious as to if any of the auto editors have hooked up? We know such personal things about them already, it seems only natural for me to wonder, right? Yea? No? Total perv? I have no gauge for these things anymore.
Dinah, Drinkies and cramped quarters just seem like a recipe for sexy sexuals is all I’m sayin’,
I’ve always imagined/assumed that orgies are just a part of their get togethers. Including meetings done online.
They discuss the website, life, feelings and seal the deal with an orgy to assuage any anxieties they’ve got left about the website/world.
I don’t do it in a pervy way to get off, it’s on par with assuming they probably drink tea or whiskey, like it’s just a thing. But then again I assume everyone is fucking so it’s no biggie to me.
What’s Laneia up to? I kinda miss her and can we just congratulate her on not breaking any bones yet!
Right now, northern Germany seems to be channeling Palm Springs like it is it’s Spirit Animal. Just saying. I am in the mood for putting on that spring skirt and go out to the park to oogle ladies and pretend I am at the Dinah, with a disgusting fish pond instead of a pool. Oh wait, I live almost by the sea. You now what that means…beach time!
Also, that hand-holding-hotel-room-picture? <3 I wanna hold all of your hands! especially laneia's…I don't want to bully anyone, but she is so cute I can't even, one christmas present wasn't enough.
How is having 15 people sleeping in the room affecting people’s ability to get laid
Autostraddle needs more exhibitionists and/or voyeurs.
it seems some of us are in a hot drinkin situation with a big group *cheers* here is to us and to team autostraddle in dinah shore situation *clearly im drunk*
Have fun at day 3 of the all girls DS weekend!! Love the blog, pics and please video!!!!
I want video of some serious debauchery!!
I love this!!! More, More!!
I want moooorreee! Get out of bed and entertain me, ladies!
A List Of Some Things I Learned At My First Dinah:
– “going solo” = does.not.even.exist. b/c meet-n-greets are highly effective at dinah. and then there’s the AS lounge too…so i mean – next year perhaps?
– a good way to introduce yourself to someone new is to find a girl who talks w/her hands & then time your approach perfectly to get smacked in the face. it’s best when it’s not planned though.
– BUT ALSO – it is maybe a good idea to at least familiarize yourself a tiny bit with the promoter/co-owner of the company/the basis of an L Word character/whatevs so you don’t drunkenly ask her, “Oh…so what exactly is it that YOU do then??” at the first meet-n-greet.
– DRINK TICKETS are sold in 10’s, but the drinks are 7 for beer & 8 for cocktails/wines/etc. I have 7 leftover tickets actually but they’re from two different hotel parties & apparently they are not universal.
– the Dinah diet = legit. I guess it’s technically the “ketel mary”/whiskey/beer/”champagne slushy thing” diet but still. it works. the secret is in the palm trees I think.
– lesbians + ASL interpreters = perfect combo.like pb&j.
– despite being in the official program & on countless promo cards AND even if you happen to also be the “World’s Funniest Lez”, the staff will not let you into the pool party w/out an actual i.d. card.
– attempting to sneak certain people sans i.d. card into pool parties = tougher than movie theaters.
– sneaking AS bombers into pool parties = SO VERY LOGISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE WTF.
– if you tell a joke and it’s not that funny, don’t worry b/c Brandy Howard will totally let you know just how NOT funny it really was.
– but she will give you a chance to redeem yourself. you’d better make it really good though.
– b/c she will absolutely remind you about your initial bad joke the next day.
– if Julie Goldman happens to be doing extremely accurate / uncanny impressions of your grandmother’s different split personalities, just go with it.
– drunk lesbians really do seem to love stickers though.
– even if you made up your mind that you are never going into the dinah pool, you actually still might end up in the dinah pool at some point before you leave & it’s really not bad at all.
– if you hypothetically passed out on the floor in your hotel room & you find your m.i.a. camera in between the magazines in the side table thing, there may or may not be (among other things) video/pictures of Team Auto.
– there is no amount of awkward immunity training for dinah. NO AMOUNT. NO IMMUNITY.
– but it’s totally fine once you leave & listen to Madrugada’s “Majesty” a few times on repeat during the 5-hour drive back home & just let that oh-so-awkward dinah dust settle, y’know? bc it will settle and IT WILL ALL BE OKAY.
– Team Auto = a great group of ladies with an overall good vibe & they’re all very personable & really you should all just go next year.
*I found out about DS via here, so thanks to Team Auto for that :) Dinah Shore was / is easily the most memorable rollercoaster ride ever.