Tell Us Your Best Pride Stories So We Can Celebrate Together Virtually!

Well pals, the year 2020 does not look the way any of us anticipated. June is just a few days away, but due to the social distancing measures put in place as a way to manage the coronavirus and lessen potential harm to both the most vulnerable among us and the collective, in-person Pride events are all canceled. Does this mean the month of Pride is canceled? It does not. It just means we have to be creative about how we come together and share community.

It’s an Autostraddle tradition to host IRL Pride Straddler Meet-Ups, and for the past decade our staff and our dedicated readers and community members have all hosted hundreds of picnics, brunches, protest groups, dance parties, fundraisers, and more. These events have taken place all over the world, and our personal connections to one another help Autostraddle feel like a home, not just a website. This year we won’t be meeting in person, of course, but that doesn’t mean we’re giving up on Pride. We’ve got a really exciting robust schedule of Pride content for y’all planned for the month of June, and we hope it makes you feel invigorated, radicalized, moved, caring, cared for, and loved. We also wanted to bring some of the messy, fun, and sexy elements of Pride to our virtual celebrations, because while our history is political, Pride weekend can be just as much about the sloppy dance floor makeouts and the intimate moments with friends as it can be about the marches.

In the hopes of capturing the silly, the fun, the slutty, and the heartwarming moments of Pride, we have put together this survey about your very own Pride memories. We will compile everyone’s answers and throughout the month of June we’ll run a different community listicle each week in an attempt to make you feel like you’re gossiping with friends at Dolores Park in San Francisco, or jumping in the fountain in Washington Square Park in downtown Manhattan, or hanging out in a friend’s backyard for a BBQ instead of going to the Parade on Sunday, or or or or. What does Pride weekend mean to you? Where do you go? Who are you with? What does it smell like? Did your diva cup ever fall out of your body while waiting in line at a porta potty right after seeing your ex-girlfriend? (Okay, okay, that one is just me.)

We want to hear all about what Pride has looked like for you over the years. The deadline for this survey is Monday, June 1 so that we have time to compile all your answers and share the posts throughout the month of June, so if you want to contribute make sure to do so this week or weekend! You do not need to answer every question to participate – if you just want to share a political awakening memory, or a hot selfie, that’s fine! The form will submit even if you only answer one question. Most of these articles will be available for everyone to read, but a few will only be available to A+ members. It’s a great time to join A+ if you aren’t a member, so you can submit to our thirst trap gallery, share and read the hottest Pride takes, and help ensure the survival of independent queer media all at the same time! We love you, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you all month long.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Vanessa is a writer, a teacher, and the community editor at Autostraddle. Very hot, very fun, very weird. Find her on twitter and instagram.

Vanessa has written 404 articles for us.


  1. i’m very excited for this! i’m going to miss pride, getting covered in face paint and glitter while tipsy and mildly sun-sick is not the same without my ten thousand closest queers

  2. The first time I went to Pride was through an AS meet-up so thank you for that

  3. Is there an option to submit anonymously or under a pen name if we have stories that we can’t share publicly under our own name?

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