The Sweet Cruise Live-Blogged by A;ex & Riese for Autostraddle

Welcome to the our coverage of the week we’re spending on the high seas with a bunch of lesbians, celesbians, and the fine ladies of Sweet Lesbian Travel. Bookmark this page, ’cause this’ll be the hot spot for up-to-the-minute iPhone photos, transcribed tweets, invented happenings and cut-and-pasted emails from A;ex, our designer, and Riese, our CEO of Ideas, as well as co-passengers. Members of the Autostraddle Team and Interns will be the “go-between” for this terrifically entertaining adventure. They have no idea what they’re doing, which will be exactly as exciting as it sounds. Ready? Let’s party, pirates!


November 15th, 2009

4:37 PM:

Yesterday was insane from morning ’til dawn: celesbians, inter-team miscommunications, early morning pantsless lesbian comedian interviews, wet t-shirt contests, alcohol, a few chunks of time lost to the unfortunate combination of xanax & tequila, underpants dance parties, erotic thirds, packing, barely sleeping, transcribing, gossiping, tanning, napping, eating, eating, and more drinking and eating. Brooke talked to every lesbian businesswoman in the world and then disappeared again, Jess got the full scoop from Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono, and we’ll get all that and so much more to you ASAP.

Right now we’re in New Orleans, doing laundry at my brother’s house and catching up on NSFW Sunday, eating, pretending that we slept, and watching BAD ROMANCE. Also, my brain hurts.


November 13th, 2009

6:48 PM:

Riese: Today we went to Cozumel and nobody got hurt! Also my largest head wound is covered by my bangs, and though my nose is bruised it’s not that bad, so I have decide to continue to drink, smoke, and take illegal medications from offshore pharmacies. You can click the photo to enlarge but really you have to touch it. I didn’t wake up with black eyes, so that’s always good.nose

We were going to wake up early, but also Julia slept in our bed wearing transparent underwear? The “Champagne and Bubbles” party was last night, which meant we got fancy and all the butches got decked out in tuxedos and their femme girlfriends were all girly and it was like prom, and then there were all the young press punks/performers in our whatevers hipster gear.

This morning per ushe we chose the road best straddled & less traveled by, and Alex, Jess, Julia (our contest winner) and Chris (Julia’s straight friend) ended up in a van with five Cali cruiser kids sporting alternative lifestyle haircuts, all heading for the beach before having to get back to the ship! We met Sabrina, a photographer for Go! Magazine who hopefully will be our friend now b/c she lives in Brooklyn.

Everyone said go to Coconut Beach, b/c they have drinks in coconuts. I said whatevs! A lot of people had feelings about the lack of snorkeling & the abundance of brewsky-downing breeders at the next beach that Victor The Taxi Man drove us to. I had three feelings: GUACAMOLE IS YUMMY, I WANT TO SLEEP IN THE SUNSHINE, THE WATER IS BLUE!


Julia, Riese & Alex in Cozumel


Alex & Jess in Cozumel

Alex’s stomach hurts but Intern Jess loves her anyway

Here’s what Brooke did today!

Brooke: Today my friend Courtney and I decided we wanted to explore “The Real Cozumel”. We rented an ATV at $40 for the day and off we went. Little did we know that everytime the ATV went under 20 km/hr the engine would make incessant gunshot noises. This coupled with the fact that we were two young blonde girls driving around the city in our recently purchased Cozumel baseball caps made it really easy for us to blend in. First, we went to a tourist trap called Paradise Beach for an hour.

Then we left there, drove downtown and ended up at a restaurant/bar called “Copa de Cabana” on 65th Avenue (I have no idea how we got here) that was filled with locals. There was a live band and lots of good food. They didn’t understand a word we said and apparently don’t have menus…so they ended up serving us everything they could make. Now we’re back on the ship and there are plenty of girls living it up by the pool and jacuzzi but I’m off to nap in preparation for the Sweet & Sassy theme party tonight. That’s all for now!

November 12th, 2009

4:58 PM

Riese & Alex Go to Roatán, Honduras, and Riese Gets a Concussion

Riese: Right off the boat were stores and other places for us to put our money down. Mario, who’s American, and the woman he works for, rented scooters to me and Alex for $60 for the afternoon. The map said we could take them for a ride around the island of Roatàn to “beautiful and eclectic” beaches. “Eclectic” is usually code for anything from illegal to homosexual to just interesting, and it’s bright & sunny and so we took it

Mario took us past the tourist shops to the parking lot out back where he had a heated discussion with some co-workers about where the last scooter went, and then he made some phone calls while Alex and I worried about the time and said we liked the sunshine. Mario told us to head up the road to the “yellow building” where we could find Blake who’d get us a scooter.

We exited the pier area into the Roatan streets. The sidewalks were narrow, alongside wide roads trafficked by trucks and bicycles and people and Alex kept reminding me to stay on the path as children as tall as my waist approached us from many angles, sometimes with bracelets and sometimes just with hands, or they poked us and looked at us with wide, sun-beaten, urgent eyes, and offered us things we don’t need for money we don’t have. The ATM we tried to get cash from didn’t work.


Roatan: what you see and what you don’t

A teenaged boy in a yellow University of Michigan alumni t-shirt, a Lakers hat, flip-flops and giant denim shorts picked up pace with Alex & me. His name is Samson and knows everyone so he took us to Blake. Blake had a scooter but no helmets. They tried o fix this for a while but we decided not to take chances with our brains and instead we got our money back and decided to just to hang out with Samson because we are only alive for so long and have a lot to learn about the world.

Samson took us to get three cold local beers, and they’re icy and delicious and we were so thirsty. He told us most of the island is poor and there’s no food, but the other side of the island is beautiful beaches, and over 8,000 Americans live there too, in nice big houses that look nothing like the neighborhoods we’re in.

He was very matter of fact about the whole thing; his life and the lives of people around him. They’d been waiting for our ship he says, because the Royal Caribbean cruise that came yesterday was too small and they depend on cruise traffic for income.

When we get back, Jess will tell us about her afternoon and wonder if we were in the same country. Samson’s 17 and wants to be an engineer but doesn’t know how he’s going to afford college on the mainland, which is the only place he’s ever been.

While school’s out, like now, he “hustles” tourists and offers to show them around or sells them “green stuff,” and keep them safe. Everyone knows everyone. A girl rode by on her bicycle and Samson said she’s the hottest girl on the island. Samson was going to take us to where he lives.

We went back behind the run-down stores that lined the main street to more residential areas. We hopped across places where the recent rains flooded, balancing skipping on driftwood and rocks. Through an alley lined with barbed wire fences, and I asked him if this is the part where he shoots us in the head. He said that only happens on the mainland.

We took a barbed-wire lined alley to his house which he shares with a bunch of cousins, siblings, his Mom. He went to get something and we waited with his 2-year-old cousin while other kids play or climb the construction site where Samson’s cousin is building a new house. The little girl, shy and squirmy on a wooden staircase, kept lifting her white dress to us, and her brother told us, “she thinks she’s a lady.”

Samson came back and we went out back to his backyard to smoke and we asked him questions about his life and school and stuff. Everyone looked happy though, to have a sunny day after rain and to have drinks or something to smoke, but we didn’t see anyone eating. His brother warned us not to touch Samson’s dog, Demon, because he bites people.

We gave Samson my Yankees hat, because he tells us that there’s not enough food for everyone on the island but they still buy Yankees hats for $80, and that our Chuck Taylors are worth $140 and everyone wears American clothes they buy. I let him know that according to his t-shirt we’re both U-Mich alumni. Beers were 3 for $5, though. We gave away all our money to people there and to Samson. Here in all of Honduras including Roatan, 68% of the population lives on below $2 a day.

On the way back, past his house and the alleys and the soccer field and back out to downtown and down to the pier where our ship is, Alex had both of our beers in one hand and she asked me if I wanted one and I turned back to her, having only mentally registered the existence of one half of the cement gate we’re passing under, and that side is tall enough for me to get through without ducking, which is why I didn’t notice the slope and the jutting rock at my eye level until my face collided with it; specifically the top of my nose and a piece of my forehead (that’s where my two visible injuries are).

So today we went to Honduras and I got a concussion, is what happened.

Brooke snags a spot on a sponsored Community Service Excursion

(all cruisers have the option of purchasing service excursions instead of traditional excursions, these include relaxation/vacationing and community service projects, it’s one of the most awesomest things about Sweet, and the money goes right into the work & the community)

Brooke: Today I went on one of the community service excursions put together by Sweet. We went to a local E-Learning Center for kids where about 30 of us repainted the interior walls, set up new computers (purchased by some Sweet cruisers) and cataloged hundreds of their books.

Afterwards, we were taken to a local restaurant where we were served chicken, rice and beans and chocolate cake (I love dessert)! It was an amazing experience and the group was so inspired that we put together a quick pool and came up with a $600 donation to give to the center on the spot. Another interesting point, Cam, the woman who started the center, funds it off of crab races and donations.

November 11th, 2009

11 PM We’ll get some photos for you from last night’s comedy show which was hilarious, with Nicol Paone, Gloria Bigelow, Kate McKinnon and etc and it was really funny. Afterwards we decided to aggressively socialize with people and interrobanged everyone to set up interviews. There was a press conference which we have photos of too and videos. MORE LATER GUYS

5:59 PM

Alex: I’m happy to report that

A) I’m quite intoxicated,

B) because we were just at a comedy show starring some really funny gay ladies and we will have clips for you tomorrow, and

C) I have SO many photografs to share with y’all!

Today Jess and I went to the Mayan ruins!


I made a transaction with a man selling coconuts.


Yesterday in Mexico, Riese, myself and Jess experienced a withdrawal from twitter like no other. “I WISH I COULD TWEET THIS RIGHT NOW ALL CAPS” I exclaimed… and then the “tweet paper” was born:

twitter paper 1

twitter paper 2

12:48 PM

Riese: Because I have no money, Alex & Jessica conquered the Mayan ruins this morning while I went to the gym, drank coffee, looked out the window, worked on my resumè, and pondered how to find people in Belize without cell-phone service.

Tonight at 10 p.m., Club Skirts Dinah Shore somehow intends to help us “find out why [Dinah Shore] is the biggest lesbian party on earth” by throwing a small party in a little nightclub on one end of a cruise ship. This can mean only one thing: Lady Gaga is coming, and clearly I will be there wearing my white pants, perhaps there will be a wet t-shirt contest. OMG Alex has my free soda card, and I need a soda!

2:10 AM

Riese: Just now I was trying to make Alex and Julia (she won the cruise prize AND OH WHAT A PRIZE IT IS) laugh by climbing up the stairs in a backwards crab and then vaulting to a stand from the lotus position but my foot was slippery and I failed, and then like five celesbians walked by, and I was like ‘hey what’s up, my name is Chris Farley and I am here to entertain you’ and I leaned slickly on the elevator like The Fonz. I was like ok, that’s cool, stroll on up to your room with your balcony, me and Alex have our little cave to get back to.

Also there was an ’80s party and my fly was unzipped for some of it, except it wasn’t my fly, it was Alex’s fly, ’cause I borrowed her white pants, so she should’ve been on top of that shit. You’ll get to see that in the photos, I hope there are a lot of photos. party1 Also Kelli O’Donnell is fully here, which is funny, like it wouldn’t be a gay cruise if it wasn’t for Kelli! I don’t think anyone here wants to be our friends, so tomorrow we might just have to start interrobanging everyone and make people talk to us!

November 10th, 2009

In Costa Maya the men want you to buy jewelery and don’t understand that we don’t buy jewelery, no really, we know looking is free but really it’s not gonna happen. Instead we paid $5 to have a strange monkey jump on our shoulders while we took photographs.

Brooke was hopping up and down in her girl scout shorts excited about going to the ruins. Gimme Sugar was hanging out at the big pool with the large tropical drinks.

A woman told us we could go to the most beautiful beach in the whole world for $25, and that it had bathrooms, a shower, other facilities, and an all-you-can-drink open bar.

We were like SOLD, it was really calm and relaxing. When did I start wanting to feel calm or relaxed? Hour massage for twenty dollars. I wanted to die there, on the massage table, and just get massages and drink Dos Equis for all of time.


Alex, Riese, and Intern Jess at Magic Beach


Riese carries Alex over the threshold



Look, we also have a photo from the sick day that Jess took of our butts:

Sick Day: we get some air at the top of the boat

Sick Day: Riese & Alex get some air up top, Riese’s hair flies into the sunset.

10:58 PM Alex: Towel animal FAIL: weird penguin Someone identify this creature please.

“It looks like one of those scary guys from Eyes Wide Shut with the cloaks!” -Jess


1:32 PM We got to Mexico and took pictures with a really awesome monkey! MORE LATER!


12:42 PM


11:54 AM

Alex: I thoroughly enjoyed Erin Foley. Girl is hilar. Also, they had peach cobbler at the buffet which I also liked very much… with vanilla ice cream on top. We’ve met and hung out with our contest winner, Julia — she’s so cute you guys! Maybe we’ll take a picture and post it on the world wide webs and exploit her like we do to all our friends! It’s just a matter of time…

11:34 AM We’re in Mexico, bitches!

“Can we talk about last night?” Erin began. “Because I’m OBSESSED WITH IT.” Here’s a few video clips from last night’s Erin Foley show, in one of them she’s talking about her girlfriend Nicol Paone:

Erin Foley Sweet Cruise Standup #1: The Hurricane

Erin Foley-Sweet Cruise Standup #2: Bisexual Girlfriend

November 9th, 2009

7:35 PM Thoughts I had last night when I thought we were going to die, by Riese:

1. If this boat goes down with Jill Bennett and Cathy DeBuono on it, will SheWired implode? SheWired is excellent etc., but just saying, that’s like The Jackson 5 without Michael. RIP.

2. If this boat goes down with me, Alex, Brooke and Intern Jess on it, Intern Sarah will have to lead Autostraddle by herself forever, which will be funny and overwhelming and she’ll probs have a panic attack since Jess has all the Xanax.

3. If this boat goes down, Big Gay Sketch Show will need to hire two new girls to replace Kate McKinnon and Nicol Paone and they won’t be able to hire me because I will also have drowned.


4. Who survived, Jack or Rose? Rose. Why did Rose survive and not Jack? Because he was poor? Because rose was the beautiful belle of the ball? Are we going to die on scraps of wood while Jill Bennett sails to Cancun on a giant pink yacht because she’s so pretty? Didn’t the old lady throw it into the ocean at the end?

5. (Best explained by convo the next morning):

Riese: Alex did you at any point last night think to yourself, ‘Fuck I wish we hadn’t missed the lifejacket drill’?

Alex: OMG YES! I was like, I don’t know where W3 is! I don’t know what to do!

Riese: The one time, fuckin’ a!!!

6. If this boat goes down, lesbian culture will have to re-invent itself, led by Julie Goldman and Karmen Kregloe and Uh Huh Her.

7. If we can float on guitars, that’s good because there are a lot of guitars here.

8. My Mom hates me for not being able to call her on her birthday because the boat took off early to escape the storm (FAIL), so if this boat goes down, I will die with my Mom mad at me.

9. If this boat goes down, it would make Laneia’s already terrible week so terrible that I don’t know how she would make it through, luckily I believe in G-d, therefore I believe He will protect us and most importantly, Laneia, from further FML situations.

10. If I’m wrong about that, and we do drown, Maggie Gallagher is going to cream all over the sinking of the lesbian boat.


7:11 PM

Alex via twitter: I hope that for living through hell on this boat today (thanks for Hurricane Ida) that 40 virgins await us at the Costa Maya port tomorrow

Erin FoleyAlex: I feel bad I haven’t provided a new funny graphic or picture to share yet! I guess if you wanted to see a picture of Riese and I passed out face-down on various beds, toilets and surfaces throughout the boat that could be arranged. But for your sake and our dignity, we’ll be sure to handle this tomorrow when we’re actually able to walk on the ground we stand on.

Oh I forgot! Erin Foley is performing tonight and we’re excited. We’re looking to get a video clip of that to entertain y’all with!

6:00 PM

Riese: There are three lesbians standing in the library talking about how they are gonna go watch The Steelers on the TV. Turns out lying by the pool is the only tsunami-suitable activity. Although Brooke has now been to allegedly a number of promising network events, our main activity for the day was “not throwing up on anyone” and so far so good. Pretty soon exciting things will happen once we are comfortable in any position besides “prone.”


Riese: The Gathering Storm has arrived. Everything is canceled, everyone is nauseous and barfing and lying on the floor. The boat is rocking back and forth like crazy. Last night we woke up at 4 a.m. thinking we were going to die, but then we decided we weren’t going to die, instead we were going to exist in purgatorial misery for all of time. It started getting rocky last night when we were dancing, which I think at least for me made me seem like a better dancer, and that was fine, and then we went to bed, but then it got really bad, and now we woke up. I want to make funny jokes, but I have to go lie down now. They say it should get better by the end of the day when we get to Mexico. dotted-divider2

November 8th, 2009


Alex: I wish everyone who read Autostraddle was on this cruise!! (Note to self for future travel ventures… srsly.) I am drunk already and Kate McKinnon is our new BFF like Paris Hilton got that one time.

6:03 PM


Firstly, earlier this week Intern Nicole came to my apartment and made me sign a form donating all of my organs including my skin and eyes when I die. Coincidentally, now we are aboard the death ship heading into the eye of the Hurricane Ida, like Rocky Balboa. Luckily if I die outside of New York City I get to keep my corneas, but I want you to know that anyone who wants my liver can keep it. I think it can handle about one more drink and another upper before collapsing completely, but hey who doesn’t want an extra day when times get tough. So far it seems the ratio of press/entertainers/celesbians to actual passengers is 1:1.

We said HAY to Kate McKinnon, met the ladies of The Lesbian Lounge, took some Xanax, got Intern Jess a press pass, refused to accept her insistence that she doesn’t want to be called an Intern b/c she is too old, explained that Interns are more important than anyone else on the team besides Tinkerbell, ate some food that made my stomach hurt, missed the life jacket drill, got called to the principal’s office for sneaking liquor onto the cruise, stood in line with a bunch of other bad girls who’d also been caught by the X-ray machine, and then the boat took off into the great murky somewhere. We are already “rocking and rolling,” as Simon the Cruise Director explained. He’s the same guy who does Rosie cruises. 2:33 PM

Alex via twitter: Cargo shorts everywhere.


November 7th, 2009

Hello Autostraddlers! Alex, Riese, Brooke and Intern Jess have left the building and the interns are taking over! Have you noticed? If not, they must be doing a fantastic job. Anyhow, we clearly are going to be keeping you abreast of all our fun high seas adventures!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Cofounder and Design Director of Autostraddle. Professional web/graphic designer. Whiskey enthusiast. Drumming hobbyist. A past speaker at the 2010 BlogHer Conference ("Good Blog Design: The Role of Layout in an Online Medium"), 2013 Salon LGBTQ Conference ("Innovative Best Practices for Brand-Blogger Campaigns") and featured in the Los Angeles Edition of Refinery29's 30 Under 30 in 2013. Co-owns and manages Tully's Training, a dog training company in Los Angeles. Twitter: @a_ex Instagram: alexxxvegaaa

Alex has written 100 articles for us.


    • Grandma, when’s gonna be the day we finally see you at one of thems Autostraddle meet-ups?

      Allow me to be predictable — y’all know where my priorities lie — I expect this cruise adventure to yield tons of photos of lesbians in revealing swimwear. Including INTERN Jess, who is HOT.

      • You saw me at Pride, isn’t that enough? ;) And I did *try* to make it to DC, not my fault the bus broke down in Ohio!
        Yes, ladies in swimwear, please…

        • I know it wasn’t your fault, but we youth are so indignant and disrespectful toward our elders these days.

      • HAHAH! That’s my cousin and best friend and sister for life you called HOT! YEAH JESS U R HOT! :) Luv you and miss you and I hope you are feeling ok! The rest of you guys as well!!!

      • I’m alive people! We got to Mexico in one piece, got massages for $20/hour, and exes of famous people said hi to me for no reason by the pool. Also! They are filming We Have To Stop Now THISVERYMINUTE in the library next to the internet room. I can smell Jill Bennett from here ya’ll!

        PS: Riese isn’t lying – we did almost die in a rogue wave attack. Ask Alex all about it.

  1. Best way to get alcohol on a cruise ship is hidden in plain sight. They let you take bottled water or cokes on board. Pour out the liquid and replace with the liquor of your choice. Just sayin’.

    What did they do to you for this infraction? Give you lesbian detention? Make you write “I will obey Ilene Chaiken” 100 times on a chalk board? Did they take away your fanny pack privileges?

  2. If how you die is how you spend the afterlife, then I could think of worse ways to die than on a lesbian cruise. But I’m sure you’ll be fine. Everything is better in Mexico. Cheap/unregulated perscription drugs to name one.

  3. I think an Autostraddle cruise with all the team, interns, and readers in attendance may be the best idea I’ve ever heard. It sucks so bad that you are cruising through a hurricane. At least you won’t be stuck in it for long. (Not a soul would mind being stuck hanging out with Internicane Katrina, but the real thing sucked.)

  4. Does having the urge to watch “The Perfect Storm” make me a bad person?

    If Celine Dion starts singing, update immediately! I will come get you with a helicopter. Don’t worry, I got this.

  5. I had 2 days of horrible cruising through a storm during senior week. I am sincerely sorry. I have never thrown up as much as I did those couple days. What an amazing thing to share on the internet. I hope it gets better real soon!! Find the center of the ship and just lay there, even if its a hallway, its fine.

  6. Omg this is better than reality TV, I am riveted. Will it ever stop storming oh man I hope it stops storming! Feel better guys! Sorry about boats!

  7. hahaha I did not expect this to start off with organ donation. Just to be clear though, i did not go there with the idea to gather organ donation sign ups and I did not make you sign up, if anything, Alex did. Also, you are right, you should be fine but make sure your mom knows your an organ donor now because really she has the final consent…you said your eyes were good.

    Hope you guys are feeling better!! and it gets better from here on out

  8. hey alex remember that time Erin Foley hugged you? I hope you guys are still bff’s…. are you guys sticking to EST?

  9. Yeah, I hope the boat doesn’t go down. I’d be pissed off at the screenwriters of your life. And then I would cry.

  10. Remember the key to survival. Look for Kate Winslet’s boobies and latch on. Or in your case, Jill B. will do. Clearly they are very buoyant. You will survive. Why do you think Leo D. died? She told him not to let go of them and he did. NEVER let go of the boobies. NEVER. never. nevvvvvver.(never) n.e.v.e.r. nev-er.

  11. First time reading your blog, very funny. Loved the Jill Bennett’s comment about getting in a pink yacht! Have fun and I’ll wait for the cool pics!

  12. I’m kind of thinking team Autostraddle should be like the President and VP. Like they shouldn’t fly on the same plane, they should have separate chefs and they should NOT sail on the same ship into a hurricane. There’s just too much riding on their oh so nice shoulders.

    • Yes, this is an excellent idea. There’s too much at stake! Think of the revolution sans Riese, Alex, Brooke & Jess. Not good.

  13. Oh my gosh, the laugh in the background of the Erin Foley clips (I think it Riese’s) is so adorable. Riese, if that is you, you have such a cute laugh!

  14. Your 10:36am post from the 9th – “Last night we woke up at 4 a.m. thinking we were going to die, but then we decided we weren’t going to die, instead we were going to exist in purgatorial misery for all of time” – gives your note from the 8th an entirely new meaning: “Alex: I wish everyone who read Autostraddle was on this cruise!! (Note to self for future travel ventures… srsly.)” LOL

  15. I’m very jealous that Alex got to have cobbler. All I wanted out of life last night was some sort of fruit pie. Not jealous of the nausea, though.

  16. “The Gathering Storm has arrived.” Do you think NOM could’ve seen this cruise as an oppurtunity to gather their own storm?

    I’d bet that’s what this is.

  17. Last night my friend was showing me pictures from the cruise that she took last week. Apparently they had a different towel animal in their room everyday? I couldn’t figure out what any of them were supposed to be. She also took pictures with a monkey on her shoulder….Anyway, hope y’all are enjoying the trip now that the hurricane is gone.

    • they always make the bed with tinkerbell right in the middle like the princess that she is and then the towel animal is off to the side

  18. OMG those pictures are full of win and cuteness! For the record Riese, I think it looks like a penguin (that’s what good interns say. Bring me back something special?).

  19. wait a sec… i totally know julia… she was def at the rodeo disco…i think? Wait ya… I hung out with her and her friends most of the night haha, or maybe not..

    • OMG those pictures are full of win and cuteness! For the record Riese, I think it looks like a penguin (that’s what good interns say. Bring me back something special?).

  20. Twitter paper is the best idea ever. I might start doing this when campus internet goes down, and I feel like throwing things.

  21. A;ex and Jess, were you at Altun Ha by any chance? My gravatar picture thing is from Lamanai, another Mayan site in Belize. I hope you all drank some Belikin beer while you were there.

    • I’m pretty sure that that’s where they got the “we’re on a f*cking boat!” Oo the front pag graphic

      • you’re absolutely right! i’m not singing because of the lonely island, i’m singing because autostraddle wanted me to do so! amen.

  22. jesus tropical christ, what fresh hell IS this boat cruise vacation? a concussion now?? thank god for erin foley and the buffet. see if you can stop off in cuba and get some castro-care, i hear it’s the bomb.

  23. also riese do NOT drink, at least for tonight. because being drunk could mask changes in your symptoms (which could look the same as drunkenness and you wouldn’t know). i guess the boat doctor will know best, but i think you should avoid drinking until your brain is fully healed.

  24. For real I am a little afraid you guys might actually die. Come home safe!

    Also, let me just be a liberal arts major for one second and say how glad I am that you are writing about the other, more poverty-stricken side of vacation hot spots and how weird the resort/cruise/tourism money disparity is. OKAY I’M DONE NOW.

  25. I just returned from a service trip in Roatan. So many feelings for the little island. Cam and Ted are really trying to push education and every little bit helps. Hope you were able to meet some of the kids that head to the center after school, they love getting into tech! And hope your noggin is doing better!

    • Did you work with the e-learning centers? Cam is a very inspiring woman to be around. I sort of saw Ted, but didn’t get to speak with him at all. So impressed with everything they’re doing. Sweet is planning on working with them a lot more in the future which is really neat.

    • Cam and Ted are really trying to push education and every little bit helps. Hope you were able to meet some of the kids that head to the center after school, they love getting into tech! And hope your noggin is doing better!

  26. I would like to add that while Riese & Alex were risking life and limb and brain, I was at a beautiful beach and ziplining with contest winner Julia and her friend. I did not see the area of Roatan that Alex & Riese described above but I was all ZOMGWTF when I saw the bump on Riese’s head.

  27. Thanks for writing the truth about it there, Riese. I love that you did that. What a great day. I hope your little head is ok.

  28. ive always wanted to go on a cruise but thanks to this im pretty sure I will stop entertaining the idea of going on one.
    hope you gals are havin a ball and make it home in one piece!

  29. Julia soundslike the luckiest chick on the planet-
    winning a sweet crise AND getting to hang out with the Autostraddle team?

    BOMB. Frealz.

  30. a) everything about honduras is the reason vacations makes me feel funny.
    b) on a happy note, you have taken julia as your erotic third.

  31. Hi Ladies =)
    Just wanted to say that it was really nice to meet you! (i’m the crazed fan at the check-in boarding thing and then later, the same crazed fan that stopped Riese in her tracks on the last night to take a picture… in which she looked crazed as well)
    …and i’m glad to know that my gf and i weren’t the only ones puking up tequila, biffet food, and xanax. =)
    love you guys!
    keep up the good work! =)

    • Vida! It was nice to meet you, I was hoping to see more of you around the boat dammit! Oh well, next time yeah? Thanks for saying hi

    • we love xanax! HI VIDA! Nice to meet you too! I look crazy in a lot of photos because I am a little bit crazy or something, I remember having my mouth open

      • it’s the best picture ever. seriously.
        you look wide eyed and deranged and i look like a pygmy standing next to you.
        so cute. =)

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