Results for: carly usdin
Drawn to Comics: Carly Usdin’s “Hi-Fi Fight Club” Is “Baby-Sitters Club” Meets “Empire Records,” But So Much Gayer
“I like to describe Hi-Fi Fight Club as equal parts Empire Records, Sailor Moon and The Baby-Sitters Club. I think there’s some D.E.B.S., Scott Pilgrim, Josie and the Pussycats and Lumberjanes in there as well.”
The 50 Best Lesbian, Queer, and Bisexual Movies of the Decade
The fact is most of the films about us — and especially the films by us — do not get the attention they deserve. But nobody is better equipped to tell our stories than we are.
20 of the Best LGBTQ Graphic Novels of 2018
From memoirs to how-to’s to love stories to sports to space, 2018 was another brilliant year for graphic novels written by queer people about queer people.
“The L Word: Generation Q” Episode 104 Recap: L.A. Times
It’s Shane’s fortieth birthday and Generation Q’s gift to you is a few pictures of Dana, a really REALLY hot sex scene and a cameo by Robin Roemer!
The Autostraddle Yearbook: A Decade Of Gay Work
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives…
86 Truly Innovative Ways You Gays Described Your Haircuts
“Occasionally I wake up looking like a teen heartthrob on the cover of Tiger Beat circa 1997, like a Home Improvement-era Jonathan Taylor Thomas”
Good for Cate Blanchett and Sarah Paulson Getting Hammered Before Their Today Show Appearance
Sit back, do the opposite of relax, and enjoy.
Pop Culture Fix: Lena Waithe Continues Her Quest For Global Domination
Plus some serious gal palin’ on The Annihilation red carpet, a girlfriend for Sara Lance(?), Once Upon a Time is getting serious(?) about lesbians in its final days, gay Olympians, Sara Gilbert, and a feud I simply cannot handle.
No Filter: Brittani Nichols And Carly Usdin Take Outfest By Storm
Also, Evan Rachel Wood plays the theremin, Kate Moennig takes on the Champ and Demi Lovato rolls into New Jersey in style.
It’s Great to Be A Gay A+ Member—Y’all Get 25% Off in the Autostraddle Store!
The Comment Awards Are Open-Hearted
Yes brats.
PHOTOESSAY: The Charlottesville Solidarity March in Los Angeles
White silence = violence, and it is well past the time to stand up.
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #22
“All horror is queer culture, as is Halloween as you correctly stated, and the 1970s in general, AND all final girls are queer culture in a very specific way that can only be discussed when you’re extremely high during a full moon.”
You’re Throwing the Legendary Theme Party of Your Dreams (with This Guide)
“Don’t half-ass a themed party. No one will ever trust you to throw a party again.”
Pop Culture Fix: Should Showrunners Announce LBGT Characters or Just Shock Our Gay Socks Off?
Topics include OUAT and Riverdale announcing LGBT characters at Comic Con, a new One Mississippi trailer, everybody loving Girl’s Trip, Atomic Blonde’s steamy lesbian sex scene, Rachel McAdams and Rachel Weisz’s lesbian romance film and so many more compelling tales for your day!
No Filter: Beth Ditto Goes Business Casual
Also, Evan Rachel Wood wore a soldier’s uniform and Lauren Morelli and Samira Wiley took in some magic.
The Babadook was a Special Guest at A-Camp and These Are His Stories
I’m not saying we invented the gay Babadook meme, but I’m also not saying he didn’t completely OWN A-Camp. What can’t this guy do?!
You Can Buy “Suicide Kale!” Right After You Read This Interview with the Cast & Creators
I caught up with the cast & creators of the award-winning instant classic queer movie “Suicide Kale” to talk about making a first movie that blew everyone away, what they’re making next, and how as of today you can buy “Suicide Kale” for yourself on Amazon and Vimeo!
The Comment Awards Are Weekending in Cherry Grove
Come for Dark Willow, stay for Soft Butch Princess Di!
Ladies, You Can Do Numbers Almost As Good As Men With The Help Of Math Brain
This ’80s-style STEM PSA reminds us the patriarchy’s been lying to us and fueling our self-doubt our whole lives and sometimes we need to smash that shit with a hammer.