The Basics




Cambridge, MA

About Me




Relationship Status


Are You Out To Your....


What I Like

Favorite Books

Covering (Kenji Yoshino), The Unfolding of Language (Guy Deustcher), Delta Wedding, Hot Stuff: Disco and the Remaking of American Culture, White Teeth, Gender Trouble, Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation, Middlesex, Housekeeping, A Confederacy of Dunces, Gould’s Book of Fish, The Metropolis Case, La Divina Commedia

Favorite Queer Books

Uh…..Gender Trouble? That’s queer theory, if nothing else.

Favorite Movies

The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, The Lady Eve, All About Eve, My Man Godfrey, Sleepless in Seattle, A League of Their Own, Notorious, Casablanca, The Big Sleep, Everyone Says I Love You

Favorite Documentaries

My aunt directed an awesome one called Stranger with a Camera. Oh, and the Celluloid Closet. (My aunt didn’t direct that one.)

Favorite TV Shows

On now: Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, Mad Men

Favorite Music

Robyn, Big Boi, Camera Obscura, LCD Soundsystem, I’ll go for just about any great pop song and I define pop pretty broadly

Favorite Quotes

“The world is made for people who aren’t cursed with self-awareness.”
— Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon), Bull Durham

“Virgie never saw it differently, never doubted that all the opposites on earth were close together, love close to hate, living to dying; but of them all, hope and despair were the closest blood – unrecognizable one from the other sometimes, making moments double upon themselves, and in the doubling double again, amending but never taking back.” — Eudora Welty, “The Wanderers”

“E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.”
–Dante, Inferno XXXIV, 139

Favorite Writers

Zadie Smith, Eudora Welty, William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, Jeffrey Eugenides, Michael Chabon, George Eliot, Matthew Gallaway, Richard Flanagan, Jane Austen