Meg S

The Basics


Meg S


Dublin, Ireland

About Me

About Me

A crabby, opinionated, bisexual from south-east Ireland, Meg can usually be found in some corner somewhere looking worried and vaguely pissed off. She writes poetry, plays, fiction, and occasionally some things she tries to pass off as “articles”. She is a co-founder of Dublin theatre company No Milk No Sugar, and tends to pen more things about television and mental illness than can be healthy for her GPA. Her catchphrase for the New Year is “bite my big fat angry feminist ass”, and she hopes to one day work up the ovary power to use it in conversation. She has Very Strong Feelings about her Kindle, dogs and science fiction.

Check All That Apply

Bisexual, Queer


Something mostly leftist, lots of empathy and something something neurology.

Relationship Status

In a Relationship, Open Relationship, Non-Monogamous Relationship

What I Like

Favorite Books

Rather too many to list comprehensively, unfortunately.