
The Basics




Washington DC/ Virgina

About Me

About Me

Im just your average every day compulsive anxiety riddled chinese food loving loner. Im currently living in DC originaly from small town texas im trying to just find my way around and meet some chill people to get along with. Being in Dc im trying to turn a new leaf and get out more and just in general come out of my shell a bit. Im really into music, plays, beer and aimless wandering. :)

Check All That Apply

Bisexual, Pansexual, Sexually Fluid

Looking For

Queer Friends in my Area, Queer Friends on the Internet, Queer Friends to Make Out With, A Girlfriend

Relationship Status

Single, Forever Alone


honesty, loyalty


coffee..and a serious sweet tooth.

Are You Out To Your....

Close Friends, Other

What I Like

Favorite Books

Company K, All the Stephen king books. to be continued…

Favorite Queer Books

when women were warriors…i need to find my kindle list.

Favorite TV Shows

Supernatual, the l word, Doctor who, top gear. etc.

Favorite Music

mostly rock and female performers but i really like everything.

Favorite Sandwich

blt :D

Favorite Thing on

The friendly girls :) i can be myself

Favorite Writers

Stephen King, Bentley Little, Charles Bukowski so many many many many more.